We are not so great at all-out decorating for every holiday, big or small. Christmas is the one holiday we do more than usual; this year we even managed to hang lights outside and we felt really accomplished. But holidays like Easter don't see much of a change around our casa. (I mean, Easter baskets sitting around and crosses already hanging on the walls count, right?) But this year, I pulled a Bonnie Engstrom and decorated the mantel for Easter. It needed a good dusting last week and one thing led to another and by the end of cleaning the mantel shelf, I had a whole new set up.
Easter / Spring Mantel
DIY Concrete Countertops - Prep & Pour
An Overdue Kitchen Update
Oh how far we've come...in the kitchen.
I've been wanting to share our kitchen progress for awhile but when I think to do it, another voice says "just wait until you get a little more done and then post an update". Well, we're slow (but sure!) and so if I wait and wait, you'll never get to see it.
We are most definitely not done but we've jumped and skipped, more like leaped and bounded, our way to modern-day kitchen in the past three years (almost three years on the dot, can you believe it?!)
I give you...progress:
Comfort Gray
Hey!! It's been a couple of months since I popped on here. 👀
Blame it on the wonderful world of internet technology. In the 10+ years I've been blogging, I've never had any technical issues until the past few months. Every free minute I had to jump onto my computer to blog was spent dealing with blog issues. The internet changes everyday and to fix anything now, I feel like you have to take an entire college course to keep up. There were quite a few frustrating moments but thankfully, I think they're ironed out for the most part.
So, with twisted digits, I'm just going to go ahead and sweep all the technical stuff under the rug and dive into paint. Hopefully it'll stay under that rug and just, well, disappear. We've gotten a good chunk of home project progress down pat and I've got a big 'ole kitchen update to share soon but right now, I'm going to take it easy and share a tried and true paint color...
Comfort Gray
The past couple of weeks, I spent about an hour each day painting trim and walls in our storage room/laundry nook/half bath area. This combo of three rooms plus a small hallway sits right off the breakfast nook and it's the only place that still had unpainted wood trim. That fact alone made it look like it didn't even belong in this house. I hate painting trim so much that I'm sure I've put this off lots and lots of times but I finally buckled down and went classic white on it. (By classic white I mean Pure White by Sherwin Williams color-matched to Valspar paint in a satin sheen - all of the trim in our house is this color.)
Well, Arch You Cute
We started with the rug that was already in there and the blank white walls, added some bold velvet curtains, and some pattern to the dresser, and then I took a page from Mandi's book and painted some arches on their walls. Initially, I was going to go more bold and paint hearts all over their walls (just like the diamonds I painted in the kids old shared room) but they really, really wanted arches over hearts. Ok girls, it's your room. Arches it is.