*Sigh* This is a sad tale about a rug and a table and also, let it be a cautionary one.
If you follow along with us on Instagram, you may have seen the story I posted a couple of weeks ago about the $20 mid-century modern table that I scored at my fave, Dirt Cheap. Ever since I spotted this table:

…a Project 62 beauty only sold at Target, I craved it. Those legs had me at first click. We bought our current dining room table and chair set at a thrift store shortly after we were married 10 years ago for $100 and it was the price we loved, not so much the design. But, it served us well and is still going strong but gosh, a girl can dream about better, right? At $400, the Project 62 table wasn’t in our budget so I just said a prayer that one would trickle in to Dirt Cheap in the future and kept my eyes peeled there. And guess what? One did. Actually, they got six. (For those of you not fortunate enough to have a Dirt Cheap by you, they sell lots of things from lots of retailers and one of those retailers is Target. The Target stuff they sell is new – clearanced stuff that never sold, damaged stuff, and customer returns. In one word, it’s amazing.) Anyway, they had six of these tables and they were all pretty beat up on top. Scratched, stained, dented…usable but very imperfect. They had them marked down to 50% off the original price. So, $200. Still too much for us, especially in the condition they were in. Our plan was to scrap the top and make something better. Anthony and I made a deal to ourselves that we’d watch them and grab one if they ever came down to $30-40. Honestly, I figured they’d get gobbled up long before they ever got that low but once again, a girl can dream.
So the first time I spotted them at Dirt Cheap was about two months ago. I go there almost once a week and you bet your bottom buck, I counted how many were left. A month ago, one got away and there were five. And there were five up until a couple of weeks ago. The way that pricing works at Dirt Cheap is by percentage…things come in and they’re marked anywhere from 30-50% off the original price right off the bat. Then, what doesn’t sell gets marked off by higher percentages every so often. I’ve scored a few things there for 90% off so I was just waiting for that number to reach those tables. Well it wasn’t, at least not fast enough, and so I casually asked one day how much they’d give me one for considering they were still there and had little interest. Well apparently, a girl with four small kids and a husband looks like she needs more than one (slash they were really desperate to get rid of them and free the space) because they told me I could have one for $50 or all five for $100. Ha! What would you do?