My last post dove into my most recent thrift store excursion, as you might’ve read, and I noted somewhere in there that I had walked out with only one thing that day. This was that one thing:
Only it didn’t look like that as I walked out the doors of Goodwill that day.
End Table to Planter–DIY
Spotted: Goodwill
We’re trying to get on more of a weekly schedule over here. We’ve got our daily schedules down pat pretty much but we’re trying to organize our weeks so that we know where certain things are going to fit in. Things like me getting a little break from the kids for just a smidge of time. I think they call that self care, right? It sounds so whiny and poor-me-I’m-surrounded-by-littles-all-day-long and I hate that because, as you know if you’re a mama, one of the hardest things is to be away from your kids…yet getting a little breather once in awhile is good for the sanity aspect. It’s one of those catch 22 things I suppose. Mother bear can’t rip herself away from her babies she loves oh-so-much yet if mother bear is asked one more question about why the toilet paper is white or why a marker is called a marker or why we can’t stick things in our ears, mother bear might actually turn grizzly. You know. I bet that, if you’re not a mom, you might be able to relate in dealings with coworkers sometimes, yes? Anyway, our budget doesn’t allow for a mothers’ helper or babysitter (nor does mama’s-girl Gianna) so we’re working with Anthony’s work schedule which makes things a little more difficult on the planning side but as you probably know, challenges are looked square in the eyes ‘round here.
So far, we’ve pretty much figured out a morning when I can get a couple of hours to do whatever I want/need to do and last week, I spent that morning perusing a thrift store and it. was. awesome. I feel like my most recent (of which there have been few) thrift store visits have left me feeling disappointed – I’ve found nothing of interest – and like thrifting as a spectator sport is dying out. Around where we live, there are lots and lots of people trying to make money off of refurbishing furniture and things and so, if you’re not the early bird or the frequent peruser, you’re not the one getting the worm. So basically, with the ability (or should I say the lack of ability) for me to get to thrift stores early and often, it takes some serious luck for me to bring in a thrift store win.
Anyway, I’m seriously rambling here when really I hopped on to share deets on that thrift store excursion from last week. For this one, forget about all I said about the luck and stuff because I found SO MUCH GOOD STUFF!
Marble Tray ~ DIY
It’s going to get real original over here today yo. I’m not the first and I definitely won’t be the last to type about marble contact paper. There are a myriad of pinned projects using just the stuff and mine will be just another to add to the collection. There are a huge basketful of bloggers and DIYers who have written/talked about using the stuff and so I’ll just add my voice to the queue. BUT, I betcha that of all the marbled contact paper projects you find out there, mine will roll in as the cheapest. Not bragging…that’s just the fact. You know how I do. ;)
Internet, meet marble contact paper project…again.
Did you enter the TubShroom giveaway yet? If you haven’t, go quick. It ends tonight at midnight! I’m back today though to tell you about some other ‘shrooms. Gah, it’s still pains me a little to delve into this topic in order to write about it. Do you remember when we laid brand new sod in the backyard of our ‘old’ house?
A Catchy Giveaway
I’ve been pregnant three times in four years and therefore, gone through that awful post-partum hair loss phase three dang times and lemme tell ya, I post-partum hair loss like a BOSS. It’s amazing I don’t more closely resemble Gollum after I’m through.
So then, you can imagine what our shower drain goes through…or should I say what goes through it. After the twins’ and Sebastian’s pregnancies, and really since we’ve been adults and had our own shower to take care of, we’ve always bought those cheapo hair catcher things you find hanging halfway down random aisles in Walmart. They’ve always caught hair good enough (or so we thought) though cleaning out our shower drain was always a necessary chore every few months as our drain drained slower and slower and suddenly we found ourselves standing in a foot of water in the tub five minutes into a shower. You might be able to relate WHICH is why this blog post is being posted.