So this happened – our realtor came over three Saturdays ago to take pictures for our house’s listing and afterwards, we just decided on somewhat of a whim, that we were just going to up and list our house. We had no intention of listing yet, just getting the pictures taken so that we could list within the next week or two but then we just decided to go for it even though we still had some unfinished projects we had to get done…two of them being painting the kitchen ceiling and the siding on the new chimney. The listing went live late Tuesday afternoon and on Friday morning, we were under contract!!! I feel like I could and want to add a few exclamation points to that because they all mean so much; there are so many feels in each one. I feel so, so sosososososo grateful that I only had to have the house 1000% immaculate for two point five days. But I also feel a tiny bit sad because those 2.5 days of our house being squeaky clean were amazing…I love me a clean house. I also feel so grateful that our house sold so quickly and for the price we wanted. But, now I feel nervous. We still have not found another house and have less than a month until we close on ours. We had our hearts set on one house and had an accepted offer but that just fell through because of a contingency on the seller’s part. Please say a prayer for us and our house hunt! We’re feeling a little hopeless and rushed and the two don’t a fun combo make.
So folks, let’s bid adieu to the house that bulked up the largest part of this here blog, shall we? Here’s a picture I took last week:

And here’s a picture taken right before she became ours:
There are a lot more befores and afters on our house tour page (some of which need to be updated…hehe :/ ) if you want to see the whole shebang. And even now, we took a lot of things off the walls before we listed it so going to market even changed it a bit. Our little cottage will always have a piece of our hearts as it was the first home all of our babies came home too…I think that’s the most sappy thing about it. But, we’re excited to move on to another little fixer upper to grow into. :)
With house-hunting and packing, the blog will probably be silent for the next month but I’ll try to check in on Instagram more often to post updates! Thanks in advance for the prayers!
Stay tuned! :)