Ever since we completed our kitchen makeover, which we love, Anthony’s been saying there’s not enough color abounding. With the white cabinets and subway tile backsplash and neutral counters and floors, its safe to say it’s pretty plain.
So we started in on some color infusion by spray painting some kitchen gadgets, adding a painted rug, and a colorful window valance.
Well then it dawned on me one day that I should paint the far wall. That would add color, right? And, I should do it while Anthony was in charge of a middle school lock-in so when he came home it’d be one heck of a surprise! Great plan…almost what happened. The girls were especially needy that particular night so bedtime turned into 10 bedtimes and my paint strokes were about five.
Still a surprise, just a very unfinished one. He got the idea though.
Nap time the following day was a different sleeping story though and allowed me to complete the wall. Since it’s so small, it took me about 15 minutes.
Subtle color. Not too overpowering.
Per the usual, this was a free project since I used left-over paint from our guest bathroom (Lyndhurst Celadon Green by Valspar), the same paint I’m planning on slapping on the walls of the laundry room one of these days.
The only thing we’re not liking is how the black side of the fridge stands out now. We’re thinking of adding white beadboard to make it blend in more – add another tweak to the to-do list, it’s never-ending anyway. We’re also dying to swap out the hollow-core door complete with redneck doggy door for a french door, a cheap (probably used) french door. Here’s a little photo-magic to show what I’m talking about:
I’m on the Craigslist hunt. We will find one, someday.
We’d also love replace the light with something a little more, eh, less warehouse-ish? Long florescent lights just aren’t our thing. Maybe a clearance track light or thrift store chandi will call our name asap.
Even with the few things left on our “hopefully someday” list, our kitchen’s come quite a way from the day we crossed the threshold as it’s new owners:
So, what about you? Is your kitchen begging for some color or are you lucky with the perfect balance of the rainbow? Maybe there’s too much? How about an accent wall in the kitchen? Stencils? What about a french door? Have a spare you’d just love to sell me? Do tell.