You might think I’m going through a blog identity crisis. Fashion? DIY? Momhood? Make up your mind woman! Well, I assure you, I’m not. My heart lies in DIY and while I’m not wrangling two monkeys (taking more and more of my time these days), I’m deep into painting, crafting, and dreaming up the next project.
This ain’t no fashion blog even though I love me some fashion. Occasionally/regularly my DIY intermingles with fashion of the alteration type and finds it’s home here on Bean In Love. I’m all for dabbling in all aspects of DIY. :)
With that said, I’m taking another step down Fashion Lane and linking up with Life in Mod and Ain’t No Mom Jeans for their “How We Wore It” partay. This month’s item is sneakers. Not my most glorious wardrobe accessory considering the only pair ‘o sneaks I’ve got are a pair of platform, backless whities I’ve had since high school that, after seeing them on my person via the following pictures, are going straight to another loving home via Goodwill asap.
[Anthony asked me why my foot is cocked like so giving the impression that I’ve got a club foot. I gave a shrug of the shoulder and kept typing away…]
White: Gabriel Brothers
Aqua: Target
Cobalt: Target
Club feet: I don’t even remember…
I’m pretty sure there’s a rule that states that “the toe of one’s shoe should never be wider than one's calf muscle” and either my slim calves are going to have to start pumping some iron or these shoes are bidding good riddance. As much as I wish I had some nice curvy legs, I’ll take the latter.
Me and my sneaks, signing off. :)