Score One For the Teeth

I have no finished project ready to go for the reg Saturday post because I got my butt kicked by three (possibly four) tiny teeth this week.  Want to know what’s worse than teething with one kid?  Easy.  Teething with two.  Running against the bulls might be a good comparison.  However, I took the treasured time after bed last night (bed meaning the couple of hours of alone time Anthony and I had before Seraphia woke up for the first of four times) to work on the mirror I’ve been working on for the past two weeks and another little frame project.  I stole Anthony’s phone while he snoozed last night so check out our Instagram feed in the sidebar or follow us at beaninlove to see a sneak peak.  Until then, I’ll leave you with reassurance (that really only I need right now) that our little sprouts really are happy little mice most of the time and that teething is only temporary.  By the way, if I ever complain about the woes any future, singleton baby brings with it, please reach your hand through the web and slap me. 

 For lots more adorable, comical, and cute, check out our Vimeo page by clicking the link in the sidebar.

Have a great weekend!

P.S.  A few of you sweetly mentioned you’d like to hear more “twin prophecies”.  That’s a post I’ve been wanting to write but it’s a story that’s going to take a LOT of words.  I will write them though and hopefully soon so keep in touch!  :)

Liebster Awards

A few weeks ago, Liz and Mary nominated little Bean and her blog here for a Liebster Award.  Liebster is German for endearing, valued, and/or lovely so I was quite honored and humbled to be thought of.  :)  A Liebster Award is presented by a blogger to other bloggers, recognizing them for doing a great job entertaining the rest of the web with their blog.  So sweet! 

To accept the award one must:
1.  Post 11 random facts about oneself
2.  Answer the questions your “nominator” has asked of you and then create 11 new questions to pass on to…
3.  Bloggers (with less than 200 followers) you’d like to nominate for a Liebster who…
4.  You should notify of their nomination via a comment on their webpage and a link on yours
5.  And you shall not tag back

So, if you didn’t already know, you now know that:
1 – I can count on both hands the number of times I’ve gotten my hair cut in a salon.  Growing up, my mom wielded scissors on it, my sister cut it in college, and when I’m not visiting Farrah, I do it myself these days.
2 – I also cut Anthony’s hair and I never mess up…and even if I did, you’d never notice because he’s got this great curly hair that hides everything.10532_531877218080_2262833_n 3 – I was super-super-skinny growing up and I hated it.  I used to drink Wrestlers’ Weight Gainer in powder form to pack on pounds…but my metabolism always won and I stayed skinny.  Never in the whole wide world was there a girl more happier to welcome that freshman fifteen in college, let me tell ya.
dance 4 – I’ve never broken a bone…tap on a tree.
5 – I have an inch and half wide scar across the front of my neck caused from the surgical removal of a Thyro-Glossal-Duct-Cyst when I was a teen.  However, I usually tell people I was once an attempted murder victim…it makes for a much more interesting me.
6 – I had braces twice growing up for a cumulative time of four years as a metal mouth all because…
7 – I was born without an adult tooth therefore I’ve got a fake.  (When the baby tooth was pulled because it just wasn’t coming out, I didn’t have a tooth to replace it.  It’s the small one to my left of my front tooth.)
8 – If my mom put her left foot next to my right and vice-versa, they’d look like they were a pair.  :)
9 – My siblings names are Farrah, Raquel, Preston, and Parker…also known as Peach, Rock, Booguy, and Oink.46297_754631365703_6046290_n 10 – After Anthony I got hitched, my grandma would pray and pray we’d one day have twins (she’d tell me and I’d just laugh it off) and lo and behold…twins.
600630_633525983140_179141793_n 11 – The day I was going into my ob/gyn’s office to take the “let’s make sure you’re pregnant” test, I came thisclose to running into a statue of Jesus holding up his two fingers in peace, except I remember seeing them as I contorted my body around the statue, barely missing it, and thinking not “peace” but “two”…coincidence?  I think not.  But that’s a whole ‘nother story for another day.  :)

Since two people nominated me, I’m going to pull the fair card and answer the first five questions from one and the first six from the other, and then I’m gonna pull the lazy efficient card and pass the leftovers on to my nominees.  :)

From Liz:
What magazines, if any, do you subscribe to?
Better Home and Gardens because I got it for el cheapo last year.  I was gifted a Real Simple subscription that I LOVE and I’m super tempted to snatch up a year of HGTV’s glossy so I don’t have to stalk my friend Lauren’s.
What made you decide to start a blog?
Lots of time and thought chaos in the brain.  While Anthony was studying for his Masters’ (still is) way back when, blogging was a great way for me to get my ideas and thoughts out and fight boredom.
When you aren't blogging, what's your favorite thing to do?
Oh that’s easy, chill with my hoodlums.  When they’re passed out, it’s painting/creating/getting my hands dirty all the way.
What's your favorite room in your home?
Hmmm…I guess I’ll have to say the nursery because it’s the closest to being “finished” and it’s just so darn happy.

wandgk 026 Where is the one place you'd love to travel?
Europe, again.  I don’t think you can ever get enough of that continent.

From Mary:
What is your least favorite book?
Not sure but if I have to guess, it’d probably be one of the college education variety.
What is your perfect day?
Allow me to be cliche…any day with my loves.  :)
Who is your greatest inspiration?
Mama Mary all the way.
What is your favorite song?
Oh gosh, I have too many “favorites”.  Right this minute it’s “10,000 Reasons” by Matt Redman.
What is your go to dinner?
Enchiladas with cream cheese on top, yum.
Can you name a current event that has changed the way you think?
Besides the snazzy, new item which is Sean and Catherine totally renewing my faith in the whole Bachelor/Bachelorette crazy thing on the tube, I’d have to say the impending election of our new Pope.  I’m waiting for that smoke in high suspense…so exciting!

”And the nominees are”…(drumroll please):
Lauren – I love your stories, especially when you write about Emma’s outfits-of-choice.
Ana - Your girls crack me up!
Farrah - I know you’re on a blogging hiatus, but I love your blog even still and I wish you’d put those fingers back on those keys!
Allyson – You inspire me like no one has and your writing makes me holier.
Bridget – I’ve always thought if we knew each other in person we’d make great friends.  And your instagram posts are theeee best!
Gabby – The Pinterest Queen!
Jess – The blogger with phenom post pictures…must be those cute kids…and the great photographer!  :)
Lizzie – Laughter is the best medicine so pretty please get to typing, okay?  And while you’re wrangling those soon-to-be-three kiddos, get some more projects done, will ya?
Maureen – The first blog I ever read and in one word, hilarious.  You are such a good writer!
Natalie – Would you please move down here and be my personal stylist?  Did I mention that the name of your blog is one of my faves?

I know it takes a little bit of time to accept this highly prestigious award so don’t feel bad if you can’t spill out a hundred web words to do so…you’re still a fab blogger in my blogging book.  :)  I also will understand if you just answer these questions and then pass them on to make life more simple like me! 

So, ladies…
1.  What blog inspires you the most?
2.  When you go shopping for yourself, what's the first thing you buy?
3.  What's your favorite t.v. show?
4.  If/when you go to Target, what area of the store do you spend the most time?
5.  What is the best book you have read?
6.  What is one food you could eat every day?
7.  Name the funniest movie ever, of all time.
8.  Coffee or tea?
9.  What is most misunderstood about you?
10.  Which city in America do you like best?
11.  What do you appreciate most about your life?

Happy Liebstering!

What I Wore Sunday: Newly Minted

Here I sit – the husband is out youth ministering, the babes are sawing twigs, there are cloth diapers that need to be washed, and toys, clothes, dishes, and Lord knows what else that needs to be put away – but first, I must blog.  Empty my noggin to you unsuspecting, sweet folks. 

I’m trying to think of some sort of deep reflection I can type out, something that struck me in Mass but I’m coming up short.  The only thing on my mind tonight is how busy Anthony is.  I’ve gotten used to mornings, noons, and lots of nights with just me and my girls and as much as I love that time, I miss ‘just me, my girls, and my man’.  I love when he’s home.  Everything just runs so much more smoothly and is so much calmer.  He doesn’t even have to be doing anything; both girls could be screaming at the tippity-top of their little lungs and the peace that hangs around while he’s here is intoxicating.  I love it.  He brings it in with him the moment he walks in our side door and out it goes when he does.  I feel like the Prodigal Son’s father so often…I get so excited the minute my love returns; the minute I hear his key enter the lock before he comes in.  I don’t always rush to meet him (and maybe I should…or maybe it’d freak him out) but it’s there the minute he is – the absolute joy and audible “Thank God”. 

And so here I sit – waiting for that key in that lock, the quick pick-up of my heart beats, the opening and shutting of that door, his face, that peace.










But, until then, what’s a Sunday post without an outfit, huh?  Let’s pick up the mood.  Here’s what I wore to meet my other love:
Mustard, mint, and tan:  Target
Scarf:  gift from my madre  :)
Shoes:  Gabes (sniff, sniff…miss you Gabriel Bros.)

I looove pleats so when my friend Callie texted me a picture of the above pleated, mint top on the clearance rack at Target (online too, but not on clearance) a couple of weeks ago, I dropped the girls in their car seats and out we went to obtain one.  They didn’t have one in my size so I grabbed the next size up and got to sewing.  The fit wasn’t all that bad but the armholes were just a tad too big.  So, I took in the top of the shirt and let the bottom be.
You can barely tell the difference, I know.  I should’ve taken a side pic.

And because I have way too much time on my hands after bedtime, here’s a little diddy I whipped up in photoshop to show where I stitched:
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(Pretend that the arm seams on the right side are lined up too.)  One straight stitch along the yellow line, a zig-zag next to it, and pinking shears to cut off the excess fabric and I’ve got me a new, cheap top.

I hope you had a great Sunday!  I’m off to wash diapers and put those toys, clothes, and dishes away before Anthony gets home and thinks all I’ve done all night is mess around in photoshop (well, technically and blog.  ;)

Oh, one more thing…linking up with Fine Linen and Purple.  You should too (ahem)!

Not Mythology, or Salad, or Big, Fat Weddings

Nope, even though I love me a good greek salad, this post has nothing to do with those and everything to do with the window seat in the girls’ room.  I’ve had it on my to-do list to paint it white for awhile now, an easy project that just got pushed aside.  feb82012 003

Then that “easy project” picked up a little more time and effort as I threw around stencil options and whatever else my brain could conjure up.  I finally settled on taping off a greek key design to add a little more pattern and punch to their room.
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Per the usual, here’s the what and how:

First, I drew a big’ ole box close to the perimeter of the front of the window seat using our level to make sure my lines were on the straight and narrow.wandgk 003

Then, using 3/4 inch wide masking tape, I taped along the outside of my newly penciled box.wandgk 005

Next, I taped off the pattern as follows:greekkeyinstr1 – place one strip of tape horizontally and parallel to the edge of the big rectangle
2 – place another strip of tape parallel to tape strip 1
3 – place four strips of tape across strips 1 and 2
4 – mark the areas of tape that will need to be removed and cut them off using an exacto knife (the photosh0pped lines show where I cut)
5 – done!

And, in case you’re wondering, here are the measurements I used:
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They’re the same on both the upper and lower half and on each side.  I might also mention that after I was done taping, I wasn’t happy with the spacing in the middle, so I ripped off the bottom half of my taped design and moved it down an inch or two.  The above measurements stayed the same.

Pardon the interruption, but while I was taping I had the girls in the room playing and I looked over to see Seraphia clapping for the first time ever.  So, I snatched the opportunity:

Sooo, all clapping aside, here’s what the entire design looked like sans taping, cutting, moving down, and taping and cutting again:wandgk 012

Last, I rolled on one coat of white primer followed by one coat of white paint leftover from painting the stripes, took off the tape right after painting, and…wandgk 026 …greek key everyone…and a free one at that.  I used things I already had on hand…love those kinds of projects!   

You might’ve also noticed we moved/squeezed in the second crib which means that the girls have officially taken up residence in their own room!  As a matter of fact, I snapped these pics right after laying them down for a nap that day.  Little angels I tell ya!  :)  wandgk 031

Well, the only thing left to do for the window seat is to make a cushion and that’s it.  I’m still hunting for some cheap fabric for that so it’s on to another project involving a mirror, some pretty paint, and some sticks.  Stay tuned!

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.           .           .

Anyone else used tape in creating recently?  How about painting a greek key pattern somewhere?  Speaking of greek key, how cool would it be to turn it up a notch and greek key an entire wall, the front/top of a dresser or desk, or a box of some sort, or the bottom of a tray, or around a mirror…the possibilities are endless! 

Adios Christmas

I may not have changed out of the yoga pants I wore to bed last night, but I fed both girls (six times each), changed 2,483 cloth diapers, ate too many cookies, indulged in my daily cup ‘o joe and a coke, and made this:wandgk 033la

Which means that, up until this afternoon, our front door looked like this:
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Yes, we are those neighbors that keep our Christmas decorations up alllll year long…nope, just kidding.  Just this year…

While perusing the endless abyss you all know as Pinterest, I stumbled upon the prettiest tulip wreath from Etsy.  Needless to say, as much as I wish I had 48 bucks to spend on a wreath, I knew I could do it myself.  And so can you.  It’s easy peasy.  In case you’d like to, here’s what you’ll need:wandgk 014

I bought everything at Hobby Lobby yesterday because they were having a 50% all their floral.  The sale ends this Saturday, fyi.  (Michaels is having the same sale, however I really wanted magenta tulips and they only sell light pink and red in that color fam.)

First, bend each stem down at the base…  wandgk 016

and, using a wire cutter (mine is on the handle end of our needle-nose pliers), cut… wandgk 017

until all stems are separate. wandgk 018

Then, starting on the inside, place individual tulips around the entire wreath by sticking the ends amidst the branches.  Make sure you don’t stick them all the way in; you want a few inches of the stem showing. wandgk 020

Once you’ve done the inside, stick some tulips around the outside of the wreath.  They should stick out a few inches from the outer circumference of the wreath.  Also, make sure that your stems point out at an angle, they don’t have to follow the direction of the wreath exactly.  And don’t worry if the tulips aren’t evenly spaced or sticking out the exact same length, imperfection is pretty in this case.  :)wandgk 021

When you’re done placing tulips, carefully turn your wreath over and use a hot glue gun to glue each stem to the closest branch.wandgk 022

And that’s it!  You’ve got yourself a brand new wreath that will usher in spring faster than you can say “groundhog”!wandgk 033 
Tulips:  $12 (50% off sale)
Grapevine Wreath:  $4 (with a 40% off coupon)
Hot glue and gun:  already had
Trip to the attic to stow Christmas wreath:  50 calories
Total:  $16
(Side note:  I wanted a big ‘ole wreath at 24 inches, but you can also get smaller sizes which means you won’t need as many tulips, which means less moolah, which means…well, you know.)

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P.S.  It’s party time!!!  Linking up with Gingerly Made!  See lots more craftiness over yonder!