I’m long overdue on a post about the current state of the girls’ room so I’ll save a project post for Ana’s Valentine's Day! Cabin! Fever! Creativity! Link-Up! (how can you not get excited with all those exclamation marks!) and give a little run-down on what’s done and what’s yet to do.
I know most people finish their nurseries before their kids pop out but not me. The plan was to have it done but then we just kept getting stuff for the girls and all that stuff kept getting piled into their future room and big ‘ole pregnant me just got a little overwhelmed with the material chaos of having two at once and procrastination set it and…well, you get the point. It’s not done. But, tis otay because technically they have yet to inhabit it. They’re still rent-free in our room at the moment which buys me some time to slowly work towards a completed nursery and time to work on other projects as well. You know me, I like to jump around…kitchen to shoes to nursery back to kitchen and then to the entry way. It keeps things hoppin’. I go where the inspiration blows me.
So anyway, I give you progress:
Still left to do:
- make a cover for the changing pad (yes, we’ve been using it but the plain plastic is getting to me)
- make a fabric pouf/ottoman to pair with the rocking chair which…
- needs to be reupholstered or covered with a new slipcover – both diy options
- recover the lampshades
- stain the dresser? paint the dresser? still tossing that around in the nog…
- hang frames and art and lots of it (next to the angel window art and above the dresser…I’m thinking a collage of some sort)
- revamp and hang the mirror I picked up thrifting whilst visiting my sis
- diy a rug/floor cloth (I bought a round tablecloth for this purpose…will it work? I guess we’ll see.)
- paint the front of the window seat and jazz it up somehow (a cushion, pillows, the stuffed zoo the girls have inherited?)
- lots tweakings and stuff I haven’t even thought of yet
- eventually move the twins in which includes squeezing in the second crib
Whew! Is that it? At the rate I’m going it’ll be finished just in time for the girls tenth birthday… But you bet I’ll fill you all in on all the deets cause that’s how I do.
Have a great weekend…and don’t forget about Ana’s link-up! :)
P.S. It’s party time! Linking up at Watch Out, Martha! Head on over and see some more Martha-esque posts!