Twins: 37 Weeks

Wowsa!  Look at that belly!  This was taken right before our tiny trek to the hospital early shmearly in the morn on the day of the twins birth.  Obviously and very, very thankfully, it's the very last in my series of baby belly pics.  Now comes the influx of the twins photos and of course, I'll share the story of their birth as soon as I can!  Stay tuned! 

Two Little Souls

They're here!  We, obviously, are super sidetracked and running on adrenaline (or in my case, not really moving much less running at all) and the grace of God but all four of us are alive and well!  The past five days have been the hardest we've gone through in our lives but the most rewarding and blessed.  Lots and lots of the good, bad, and better to come as soon as possible but to tide y'all over, we introduce our two little souls, Seraphia Marie (left) - born at 1:48 pm, 5 lbs. 13 oz. -  and Cecilia Rosaline (right, pronounced Rosa-leen) - born at 1:53 pm, 6 lb. 14 oz. 


Ready, Set…

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Bag packed, car seats ready, changing table functional, toothbrushes on standby, ankles and belly continuing to swell, and two little girls apparently oblivious to it all…

Twins: 36 Weeks

36 weeks

As you can see, one of the only shirts that “fits” has to be pulled and stretched downward so that my entire jumbo beach ball is covered, thereby making me look like I’ve got one big bump beginning at my neck and ending above my hips…fashionista for sho. 

As far as making an entrance, the twins have yet to do so.  I am at the current moment three centimeters dilated and around 75% effaced…same as last week.  Daddy is almost to the point of hilarity as the waiting becomes close to unbearable, but mommy, even though just a tad uncomfortable (understatement of the century) is happy we’ve gotten this far.  Buuutttt…next week both parents will be extremely happy, tired, and besides themselves as we have an induction scheduled for Monday of next week!  So, unless these two decide to exit earlier, I’ll be floating on cloud nine (and probably floating literally too after the weight of the twins is outside of my person) holding our baby girls in six days…crazy!  The rest of this week will be spent trying to wrap my mind around this incredible fact as I lounge and bid time fly.

I’ll keep y’all posted!  If you think of it, please offer up a little prayer or two for us and the safe and healthy delivery of our girls!   


I’m running out of clothes that fit which is a serious problem folks.  That’s why, when I tried this dress on a week ago and realized it fit except for one minor detail – the length – I had to do something about it asap.june292012 001

The plan:  lengthen it.  The fabric:  ‘Diamond Eye’ fabric from JoAnn’s.june292012 002 

The ground being about eight inches from the bottom of the maxi, I bought a foot of this lovely geo only to bring it home and realize it wasn’t wide enough.  Back to the store I went the next day to get a foot more.  After sewing the two pieces together, I quickly lugged out my machine and attached my extender fabric with a simple straight stitch around the entire bottom of the dress, making a pleat, just because, every six inches like so:june292012 003

And wala:longer

Now I’m down to four dresses instead of three (maternity pants feeling a teeny bit constricting around the lower belly these days upon sitting) and a few sweat pants and shorts.  Here’s to hoping these girls come soon, opening up my still somewhat limited wardrobe.  :)

Have a great weekend!  Maybe I’ll have a belly pic this week, maybe I won’t.  Time will tell!  :)