How We Organize Kids Clothes with Four Kids in One Room
Four Kids, One Bedroom
Well, we're not pros on the subject (or anything else regarding parenthood for that matter, ha!), but with a year and a half under our belts of successful sibling sleepery, we'll tell you the whys, whens, and hows we've found to make it work for us.
Kids' Room Reveal-ish
But, in saying that, we've come A LONG way. Let's start at the very beginning...
When we bought this house, the kids' future room was allll pink:
Unlike all of the other wallpapered rooms in this house, this wallpaper fought, and fought, and fought me coming down cleanly. I tried every method I could find - the steamer, white vinegar, fabric softener, actual wallpaper remover, a paper tiger, and mixtures of some of name it, nothing helped. I mean, the wallpaper itself was coming off but it was taking the primer behind it with it in parts, leaving us a pock-marked wall...not pretty.
String Light Nightlight | DIY

I'll get the current situation up with the room reveal but let's talk that lit star on the wall. In our rental, the kids had this big lamp on their dresser that was uber cool but also, uber heavy. It was great for awhile until they started thinking they could turn it on (the knob to turn it on was on the very top of the lamp and pretty much out of their reach) and started reaching and pulling the cantilever part down, down, down. Not my most kid-friendly piece of functional decor, that one.
It's been something I've been wanting to start for a good long while now and the timing has never been right. And to be completely honest, I'm a little overwhelmed with the thought of moving forward with it right now but it's all going to be ok, right?
It's called...
I've had this nagging feeling for the past couple of years that I've just been in a mode where I complete a room and then I write up the big reveal, throw a few tutorials in there, and call it a blog. And it's all great! I know so many of you have found inspiration in my ideas (said as humbly as I can) and it's motivated you to get down and dirty with some DIY in your own space but still, I feel a lot of the time like I'm just "showing off" what I did and because I'm a big secondhand buyer, I can't always jot down all of the links and sources for you to do the same and so sometimes it all feels one-sided. It's the same with Instagram and sharing over there...even more so sometimes.
So, I wanted to come up with something to involve YOU more in what I'm doing over here. Something that will provide inspiration and support and just a whole lot of fun. With our new house and all of the rooms needing attention, it's the perfect time to get everybody in. :)
Gender-Neutral Kids’ Room Reveal!!!
The kids’ room is FINALLY done! I won’t get into why I’m late again because maybe you already know but hey! The kids’ room is a real kids’ room now – not a small brown box of a space. It’s happy and fun and so, so cute. And I can’t wait to show you but first, let’s trot down recollection ave because you can’t really appreciate where it is now without seeing where it was. :)
When we moved into this house, we tried something new – we moved all four kids into one room together. It’s by no means a big room (maybe 11’ x 11’) but, with them all in one room, all of their toys could then be tossed into the other spare bedroom in the house and get labeled “playroom”. So, squeezing beds and a couple of dressers in wasn’t a big deal in a small room since toys didn’t have to fight for the space too. Bunk beds were a crucial component but I’ll get to those later.
Here’s what their room looked like before we moved in:It was dark and ultra brown, just like every other room in the house. This room doesn’t get a ton of light, especially in summer with the higher sun plus a tree stands almost right in front of the window and blocks a lot of light. It’s great for sleeping though. #halffull
After we moved in, those darker curtains went and the kids slept on an air mattress until we could build them some bunk beds (you can read more about those plans here). A month in, we still hadn’t built those beds (le sigh for a busy life) but we were given a set from some good friends. With that set plus a toddler mattress slipped underneath as a trundle for Sebastian and Gianna’s crib in the corner, the kids slept soundly for months. Or did they? Welllllll…kind of. The thing about that bunk we were given was that it was big and awesome but there was only one side rail up top and it was low and the girls were afraid to even go up much less sleep up there lest they roll over and out. So they shared the bottom twin. Sound sleeping? Questionable.
(In the above pic, we had taken the rail off the top and not added the ladder so the adventerous two-year old didn’t go on a climbing spree as she’s highly apt to do.)
But then we got the deal of a lifetime (slight exaggeration…but only slight) on a new pair of bunks and finally, everybody had a bed.
That fact was fantastic, fine and dandy except our kids were still sleeping in a boring room and it didn’t have to be that way. I wanted them to have a space that felt fun and that they loved retreating to.
One Room Challenge–Week 2
Week 2 of the ORC is here and, amazingly, I’m right on schedule (all the thanks to the two chicklets who have been taking awesome naps)! My goal was to get the kids room painted before the week was over and bada bing, bada
BOOM! Here’s what their room looks like right now!
Yep, week 2 also saw me, not only painting their room but “bedazzling” their wall with diamonds.
I CANNOT WAIT to show you how those diamonds came to be and I will in my next post (pssst…it’s CHEAP & EASY!), but before I could even get to that fun part, I had to cover up the tan walls. If you’ve ever painted a kids room before while it was being inhabited by said kids, you know, it’s muy inconvenient. To get to the walls you have to completely upheave their room – move beds, dressers, whatever else they use on the daily. For us, that meant moving the furniture from one side of the room to the middle one day and the other side the next day. It also meant moving the kids into the play room and our room to sleep for a few nights. (This is why, if I get the chance to paint before we move into our next house, whenever that is, I WILL.)