Kid Art That Doesn't Look Like Kid Art

I'm back with another painted glass project the kids tackled so long ago that I'm not even going to tell you how long ago because it involves years.  If you've been reading for long, you might've seen me paint glass a time or six.  Let's see, there's...

this coffee table

the "choose happy",

these aqua lamps,

these red dotted lamps

this gray dotted lamp

and this framed glass with the twin's names (that is still alive and well and going to be hung up in their room shortly).

No stranger to it.  And, I know it sounds crazy because paint and glass don't usually jive well as one scratch can wreck the whole thing but the key is painting the side of the glass that isn't touched.  None of the painted glass projects I did above ever suffered and the ones I still own look just like the day they were painted.  Click the links if you want more info and tutorials.
But this time, we painted the part of the glass that can be touched and scratched if someone so felt.  You see, I found a couple of sets of framed, simple drawings of vases at Dirt Cheap (they're originally from Target) that I knew immediately would be a fun way to insert kid art into our house without it looking too "kid artish".  You know what I'm talking about.

So, to protect the frame, I grabbed large pieces of paper and cardboard out of our recycling bin, cut them to fit over the frame but not the art, gave the the four kids we had at the time some washable paint*, and let them "customize" their vases.

Then, I hung them in our entry way...

where they have been threatened by the resident one-year old several times who, I think, has maybe, hopefully lost interest in the past few weeks.

The fun part about these is that, we can windex off the existing paint on a rainy day and just paint the vases again.  Maybe next time I'll get brave and let them use non-washable, more neutral paint colors.  Maybe.

These particular framed vase prints are no longer sold but an easy way to duplicate this project is to buy simple black and white prints like these botanical prints, frame them, and then paint over the glass.  It's a great way to bring generic art into your home but make it unique.  It's also a fun way to let kids go crazy painting knowing you can switch it up whenever the wind blows that way.

If you do paint some glass in your home, or let your kids paint some glass, let me know!  I'd love to see!

Have a great week!  

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*These links are affiliate links which means that, if you click over and/or make a purchase through the link, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.  I am an Amazon affiliate and also use other sources to earn commissions.  All of these links will lead you to things we actually paid for or that are similar to the item we paid for in case ours is thrifted/sold out/secondhand.  This extra money helps us with the costs of running the blog and buying essentials like Heavenly Hunks.  ;)  Thank you for your support and for fueling our love to share all things DIY!  We hope you click out inspired!

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