The Multi-Purpose Room Reveal

It’s always awkward for me to take something from my heart, write it down, and hit publish…and then go on to post about something in a whole ‘nother arena, say superficial decorating, next time.  I feel like there needs to be a better transition but I don’t know how swing that so in we jump from heart to home again.  :)

I’ve actually spent almost every moment of free-time the last two days concocting a whole entire post on the multi-purpose room but last night, when I had reached 3000 words detailing only one half of the room, I made the intelligent decision to close my laptop and start anew this morning.  I’d lost myself just reading through what I’d written and I have no doubt I’d have lost you too in the absurd amount of details in that novel.  Sometimes I get carried away.  So, I’ll keep this short and come back later with more.

“Wait, back up.”

“What the heck is a multi-purpose room?”  Good question.  Did I make that kind of a room up?  Maybe.  I haven’t googled it to see if it’s a real thing yet.  I’ve talked about this before but this little house has two living rooms.  One, I suppose is more of a formal living room and one is more of a den.  Well, we don’t need two living rooms – we only have one television and one couch and they both fit great in one room.  But, we do need an office space, a sewing space, and a homeschool/kids’ coloring space.  So, we’ve spun the formal living room on it’s side to create, you’ve got it, a multi-purpose room.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Here’s what that space looked like before we moved in:

IMG_6822From 1:00 pm on it’s the brightest room in the house and, therefore, had lots of potential to be something fun and happy.  Since we spend a good amount of time in this room on the daily, that fun and happy status was really important. 

It’s not actually “done” so this is more of a major progress photo:

IMG_9173There are a few furniture projects I really want to tackle in there but for now, I’m moving on, satisfied with painted walls and some fun decorating.  Other rooms are calling…like that entry way straight ahead.

The view from the other side was the same – tan walls, tan carpet, and heavy curtains covering those glorious windows:

A fresh coat of white paint (Pure White by Sherwin Williams – the same white we’ve used in every other room that’s been painted so far), new curtains, and a fun new accent wall have changed things for the better.


Like I said, I’ll share all the fun details and little projects in a few posts that aren’t pushing dissertation status in the next week or so.  Doing that will keep you distracted while I work on the entry way and the kids’/guest bathroom.  :D