Prepare yourselves folks. Prepare yourselves for the most exciting tour of a rental home in blog history. Ok, so maybe just this blog’s history. And considering we’ve never rented before, there won’t be much compeition so the honor is all this house’s and the unecessary excitement all mine.
I know I went with the nutshell of the story in the last post but just for a little recap, we’re renting because we sold our house, found another, walked away from that other after the inspection, and had no choice but to rent because we had to close on our sold house. So, here we are, renting for six months in the hopes that we’ll find a house to buy within that time period. Fingers still tightly spiraled.
Part of me feels like it’s a little weird to post a tour of a home we’re literally just eating and sleeping in (although I did hang a curtain rod so…) but then there’s that bigger part of me that’s a sucker for house tours regardless of the ownership details. Maybe you’re one of those interested peeps too and if so, here we go: