Let’s start with an apology. I feel like I’ve been neglecting my blog a tad and if I have any readers left, I’m sorry! It’s not because I don’t want to blog because I do and believe me, if I had the time, I’d have words everyday and not just once a week. It’s really because I’ve been keeping busy seeing friends and housekeeping and the big one, TODDLERS. Suffice it to say that I really miss cranking out projects and sharing tutorials with you here on the blog so, now that summer is kinda winding down, I’m going to start being better about that. I have the usual laundry list of things I want to get done around here including a pile of clothes about two feet tall in my closet waiting to be refashioned. There definitely isn’t a lack of motivation so hopefully I’ll have a new wardrobe along with a fully decorated house A to the sap and all the details to share.
And speaking of projects, I’ve been working on a really cool one for the past three weeks. The last piece of it just came in the mail today and so the plan is to finish it after the kids are sawing logs tonight and have it on display tomorrow! Toes crossed. Until then, here’s a peek:

[heavily filtered so you don’t figure out too much ;) ]
SO ANYWAY, I didn’t pop in today to just be a complete sulk. I’m writing to tell you how my life has changed in the past three months thanks to eMeals. But first, let me just disclaim that this is NOT a sponsored post nor did eMeals ask me to write a single word. We are paying customers of eMeals and we LOVE the company. However, after falling in love, I did sign up to be an affiliate which means that if you choose to use their meal planning service through me (through the links in this post and the affiliate ad in the sidebar), I will make a small commission. Get them through me or get them elsewhere but I’m telling you, you should become good friends with that company if you’re anything like me which is…
NOT a meal planner. Cooking? Eh. I’ll do it but only since I have four other mouths to feed. There are just so many other fun things I’d rather do than stress out at five ‘o clock because my kids are hungry and shoot, I haven’t even thought about what to make for dinner. Are you with me? Or maybe you’re one of those peeps that’s ultra-organized and has the entire week planned food-wise in which case, you have a big admirer ova heeya. :)
So, three months ago, I hopped over to eMeals website because I had spied them on Pinterest and I saw the “14 Day Free Trial” offer they have and signed up right that instance knowing that I had two weeks to give them a go and if I didn’t like it, it was no sweat off my back and I’d cancel.
Well after the first week of being on a meal plan, we were hooked. Anthony was elated to come home to a home cooked meal every night, I only had to put myself through one grocery store trip that week, and the kids were all like “whoa, mom’s doing something crazy at the stove”. I seriously felt like I had just mastered being “domestic”. It was awesome. After our free trial, we signed up for a year of eMeals ($60) and right now, we’re three months in.
We’ve been eating things like…
Nacho Taco Salads

Warm Turkey and Cranberry Sandwich Bake with Oriental Slaw
Mexican Pie and Corn
…and so, so, so many other good meals. They’ve all been so flavorful and seriously good. Honestly, I can count on one hand the number of meals we weren’t fans of. Good thing too because 90% of the time we have leftovers so dinner usually becomes lunch the next day!
How does it work? Well, every week eMeals sends you an email containing seven dinner recipes (there are lunch, breakfast, and dessert plans too) and a grocery list with everything you’ll need to pick up to make those seven recipes. And, that amazing grocery list is separated into grocery departments (frozen, produce, meats, etc…), making the one grocery trip you’ll have to make almost mindless and dare I say it, enjoyable? Nope, too far. Also, they’re in tune with several grocery stores (ALDI, Costco, Kroger, Publix, Safeway, Target, Walmart, and Whole Foods), keeping an eye on their sales and planning meals around them so that you can get the best bang meal for your buck (store-based plans). There are over 50 meal plans you can choose from (Paleo, Gluten-Free, Kid-Friendly, etc…) and we’re currently on the Budget-Friendly plan. Since starting emails, we’ve cut an average of $80 off our monthly grocery bill. Our swelling food budget was actually the acute reason we decided to try eMeals. The month before we signed up for the free trial, we had spent a little over $500 on groceries; a number bigger than we’d like. We also found that we had a lot of grocery items we’d buy for one meal that would sit untouched for weeks. So eMeals has also helped us to buy and use only what we need.
The budget-friendly plan lists individual food prices on the grocery list so I know about what I should be paying for certain things as I stroll the aisles. But, to get that number even lower, we buy most of our items at Walmart but then head to Sam’s to buy meat in bulk and to Publix for their BOGO deals.
Anyway, I’ll quit typing your eyes off about food and groceries but I just want to reiterate that I wasn’t asked or compensated to write this post. I just wanted to share something that we truly love that you might too. Check it out! You get two free weeks! And after that, if you love it, you’ll happily spend the $5 a month for someone else to zip over the meal plan for your week while you sip Iced Teas on the porch, knowing that dinner tonight is covered. :)