Score One For the Teeth

I have no finished project ready to go for the reg Saturday post because I got my butt kicked by three (possibly four) tiny teeth this week.  Want to know what’s worse than teething with one kid?  Easy.  Teething with two.  Running against the bulls might be a good comparison.  However, I took the treasured time after bed last night (bed meaning the couple of hours of alone time Anthony and I had before Seraphia woke up for the first of four times) to work on the mirror I’ve been working on for the past two weeks and another little frame project.  I stole Anthony’s phone while he snoozed last night so check out our Instagram feed in the sidebar or follow us at beaninlove to see a sneak peak.  Until then, I’ll leave you with reassurance (that really only I need right now) that our little sprouts really are happy little mice most of the time and that teething is only temporary.  By the way, if I ever complain about the woes any future, singleton baby brings with it, please reach your hand through the web and slap me. 

 For lots more adorable, comical, and cute, check out our Vimeo page by clicking the link in the sidebar.

Have a great weekend!

P.S.  A few of you sweetly mentioned you’d like to hear more “twin prophecies”.  That’s a post I’ve been wanting to write but it’s a story that’s going to take a LOT of words.  I will write them though and hopefully soon so keep in touch!  :)


  1. Oh my goodness, they are the sweetest together! So cute!! They must love having each other.
    So sorry about the teething! No fun for anyone!

  2. Oh how I can't wait until my girls can interact like that! Definately adorable. I can wait before they start cutting teeth. Hopefully they come in in multiples.

    1. I know!! It melts my heart every time!! I pray your cutting teeth phase is smooth, quick, and relatively pain-free...for you and those precious girls!!

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  4. That video is absolutely adorable!! You just know that they are going to be besties!! And good luck with the teething! Hope you're all getting some rest :o)
