Just a warning before I begin: This post might be a little of an over-indulgence into what’s actually going through my head as regards nursery plans. Why? Well, the time I have on my hands to sit and type has increased as the weight of our two beanettes does…that’s approximately one hour of laziness relaxing per ounce they put on. So, if you’re not particularly interested in exactly where our cribs are going to be placed or the color of our cloth diaper covers, skip on over to one of the many delicious blogs listed in my sidebar. They’re sure to be much more engaging. :)
So, a couple of weeks ago I mentioned that we were tackling the oh-so-fun task of merging our guest bedroom and office to make way for the twin’s nursery. Well, after a couple of missed personal deadlines, the rooms are now one.
We have yet to do some little things like hanging pictures and such, but it’s immaculately clean and fully-functional.
So onward we move to:
The nursery. However, before I show you the somewhat embarrassing mess that lies behind this door, I’d like to point out the cutest diaper wreath ever made by the marvelous Brittany at ‘Gifts From Above’. If you’d like to indulge in the cuteness, you can contact her at giftsfromabove.diaperwreaths@gmail.com. A warning though, they’re so darn cute you won’t want to actually use the diapers or other goodies on the wreath. :)
Sooo…in we go. Watch your step.
I’d like to think of it as ‘organized madness’. Each scattered gift bag contains the remains of my organizing – one has newborn clothes, one has three month clothes, one has towels, etc…
This is where I might be a little too over-sharing so read on if you dare. First, the layout. A couple of months ago I scratched out a few different options on how we could configure the room. It’s not the biggest room in the world (especially when you’re squeezing in two cribs), measuring around 12 ft. by 12 ft., but it’s perfect for what we need it for. Here were the three options:
The winner? Option numero uno…a.k.a. the one at the top. Anthony didn’t like the idea of putting the rocking chair in front of the window which narrowed down our options pretty quickly. I’ll give my ten cents, wall-by-wall, in a minute. The next thing in the planning process was to pull out this shirt from high school:
Random, I know. It’s one of my faves because of the colors and I always thought it’d make such a great inspiration piece when designing a little girl’s room…and lo and behold, years have passed and God has blessed us with not one, but two little chicas to introduce this shirt to. :) Oh happy day!
So that brings the color scheme to light pink, lighter pink, peach, lighter peach, taupe, and white. I want their room to grow with them and I feel like with this scheme, we can replace the cribs with beds one day and it’ll still work.
So back to the detailed plans. When you walk in the door, the wall to the right will one day reflect this:
I’ve been scouring Craigslist for an old wood dresser I can reinvent (and found one, only it’s an hour away and I’m not that desperate…yet) on which dirty bottoms will be cleaned and in which clothes will be stored. On the wall, a frame collage maybe? Some sort of homemade architecture? Hanging tissue paper puffs? A stencil underneath some or all of these things? Oh the options…
Also housed here will be our ultra-cute, cloth diapers:
These are the covers, the inserts (prefolds) have yet to be purchased. I’m sure a post dedicated solely to our cloth diapering adventure will be in order after the twins are here. For now, read about Farrah’s adventure.
Moving on…the wall across from the door will be transformed in this way:
The desk currently in the rocking chair’s place is waiting to be purchased by a loving new owner on Craigslist and the frames above it will come down. The lamps (one dismantled) on it were found at Goodwill many moons ago and have put my electric wiring skills to the test…one day I’ll have a whole post on those. The blob of peach and pink are the tissue paper puffs mentioned above that were creatively constructed by my friend Jenn for the twins shower. I’ll make new curtains and eventually a cushion for the window seat – curtains before the beans are born, the cushion as I’m nursing one and wielding my mad sewing skills (a joke for sure) at the same time. Yes, I have standards that high…call me crazy cause I’m sure one day in the not-so-distant future I’ll be echoing your sentiments. :)
Aaannndd to the left we have the cribs:
Only instead of Photoshop cribs (perfectly safe if you call the Disney Channel home), we will have two of these:
Oh, aren’t they just precious? Graciously purchased for us by an angel, we can’t WAIT until they come in (ordered from Babies R Us)! We were planning on using my old crib and my dad’s old crib (both of which I had big plans to paint) but my dad’s crib was deemed unsafe – shocker there – and both are 1000 miles away at the moment. So, these came as a great blessing to us.
Hanging from the ceiling above them, I really want to construct some simple canopies but with the intent of moving closer to Anthony’s place of work in the next year and popcorn ceilings (hard to patch), that may or may not happen.
But anyway, on to the left and last wall.
Obviously, the microwave is out of place and it’s home is being prepped for landing at the moment so unfortunately, our kids won’t have the option of making smores in their bedroom. However, the mirror behind it will be tacked to that little expanse of wall after I get my crafty fingers all over it. Curtains will be made to match the window curtains and the closet will be organized and filled with tiny things in pink, purple, and other girly hues.
Other ‘hopefuls’ on the plan list include DIYing a large round rug to lay smack dab in the middle of the room and constructing a faux capize chandelier or other fixture along those lines to dress up the ceiling fan light.
And that’s that. The twins will actually sleep in a co-sleeper in our room until they’re six months or so, so I’ll have time after they arrive to work on baby-fying this room while they lounge in swings and such before they officially move in. I might also mention that my budget for this room is low, very low, so I’m excited to get some brain-power back after they’re born cause I’m gonna need it. Progress will be slow and documenting it will be like watching a fishing show, so in the meantime I’ll be sure to post some quick updates but I’ll have some other project happenings to tell.
Happy weekend!